Climate policy analysis and updates from Sacramento

Clean Power Sam Uden and Neil Matouka Clean Power Sam Uden and Neil Matouka

Barriers and opportunities to transmission in California

California’s ambitious goals to achieve 90% clean electricity by 2035 and 100% by 2045 hinge on whether the state can rapidly develop new transmission. In this blog post we analyze six key barriers and opportunities to developing this infrastructure, including siting and permitting, public financing, competitive solicitation, grid-enhancing technologies and advanced reconductoring, interregional transmission and issues related to offshore wind.

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Clean Power Neil Matouka, Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco Clean Power Neil Matouka, Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco

How clean firm power can enable California’s climate goals

California has set goals of 90% retail electricity sales to be carbon-free by 2035 and 100% by 2045. Solar and wind will provide the majority of this generation, but non-intermittent resources capable of meeting electricity demand on a 24/7 basis have also been identified as key to ensure grid reliability and lower ratepayer costs. These are known as “clean firm” resources. In this blog post we analyze the role for clean firm power in decarbonizing California’s power sector.

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Carbon Removal Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco Carbon Removal Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco

Call to Action on a Direct Air Capture Hub in California

California has identified the deployment of carbon dioxide removal, including direct air capture and biomass carbon removal, as necessary to achieving the state’s climate goals. To support these newer technologies, the federal Department of Energy is awarding four grants of up to $700 million each to establish Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs across the U.S. Without deliberate action California risks missing out on this key opportunity to establish a foundation and attract major private investment in support of its carbon removal goals.

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Clean Fuels, Wildfire Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco Clean Fuels, Wildfire Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco

Reflections on the inaugural California Biomass Workshop

Last week Conservation Strategy Group and the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and Economy co-hosted the inaugural California Biomass Workshop to address the key challenges and opportunities in delivering a sustainable bioeconomy to California. Over 200 attendees met in Sacramento for a deep dive on an issue that is critical to reaching our Scoping Plan goals while protecting California's natural and working lands. In this blog post we summarize the main takeaways from the day.

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Clean Fuels, Wildfire Sam Uden Clean Fuels, Wildfire Sam Uden

Inaugural California Biomass Workshop a key opportunity for progress

Workshop Announcement: Conservation Strategy Group and UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy are co-hosting the California Biomass Workshop on January 31st, 2024 at the Citizen Hotel in Sacramento. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together a diversity of stakeholders from around the state to coordinate and advance solutions to address a major resource management challenge - the wood waste crisis.

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Special Projects Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco Special Projects Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco

Data analysis of California’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

California’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) generates roughly $4 billion per year in cap-and-trade auction proceeds for appropriation by the Legislature to support the state’s climate goals. As legislators contemplate cap-and-trade reauthorization, including the potential to revise current GGRF allocations, we analyze the latest available GGRF data (May 2024).

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