Climate policy analysis and updates from Sacramento

Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden

Missed opportunity: Draft Scoping Plan fails to address biomass pile burning and decay

California recently released a draft version of its main climate plan, finding that it is preferable to open burn or leave to decay in the forest a significant portion of biomass residues resulting from wildfire prevention treatments. This is a missed opportunity: as a robust strategy to collect and convert forest waste into carbon-negative wood and energy products is a promising path to enable the state’s goal of treating one million acres per year and reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire. In this technical blog post, we analyze the role of forest biomass in the Draft 2022 Scoping Plan.

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Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden

Pathways to Forest Health and Carbon Neutrality in California

As part of our long-term policy design work, CSG has been exploring how California can achieve its ambitious forest health and GHG emissions reduction goals. In this blog post, we highlight findings to date from collaborations with UC Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and others, including promising strategies for aligning the state’s forest health and carbon neutrality goals.

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Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco Wildfire, Carbon Removal Sam Uden and Amanda DeMarco

Lawrence Livermore Releases Landmark Report Highlighting Pathways to Achieve Carbon Neutrality in California by 2045

On January 30th, 2020, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory released a first-of-its-kind report which identifies and quantifies the negative emissions opportunities that would enable California to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 or sooner. In this blog post, we highlight key findings from this report.

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